How it works

The 4 slices of Žltý melón

  Create your account

The process is quick, online and in real human English

Simply fill in some personal details, upload a copy of your passport and then sign your Investor Framework Agreement. That's it, really!

  Add funds to your account

We make it easy to put your money to work

Adding money to your account on Žltý melón is as easy as transferring money to your savings account, or paying a bill online. You can choose invest in both EUR and CZK denominated loans, however we accept bank transfers from any EU country in any currency.

Your funds will be converted when you make your deposit, or you can use a service like Transferwise to get the very best exchange rates. Once you have added funds to your account you can convert them at any time between EUR and CZK, or make a withdrawal back to your bank account in an currency.

  Choose the loans you want to fund

You decide who to lend to – not your bank, not a computer

Unlike banks and other p2p lenders we don’t decide who you should lend your money to. Borrowers on Žltý melón set up a loan auctions, where you can see details about their loan application, their credit rating and even ask them questions about their loan.

In our loan auctions, you decide how much you want to lend, set the interest rate and make your offer. It is transparent, simple and ensures that both sides get a fair deal.

You can have your melon and eat it too!

With our auto-invest tool you choose the specific type of loan auctions you want to invest it and it does the rest.

  Earn money each month

Borrowers repay their loan directly to you, not your bank

Once a borrower has accepted the offers made by you and other investors, they sign their contract and get their loan.

Unlike other p2p lenders, their monthly repayments are made directly to you and the other investor each month. We simply divide and proportionally distribute their one fixed repayment amongst all their investors. You can use these funds immediately, however you want, with no penatly fees or early withdrawal charges.

For us it is pretty simple: you lent them the money, not us, so why would we keep their repayments?!

You can learn more about how investing works here

See how much you can earn on Žltý melón




* Your expected earnings are based on the difference between the average investor's profit on Žltý melón and the average earnings from a fixed-term savings product of the same length.

Why choose Žltý melón?

A pure form of p2p lending where you are in control
You choose who to lend to and you set the interest rate
We make p2p lending easy, so you can earn more
Our website is simple and in plain English for real people