Thes fees charged by Žltý melón for our services are simple and transparent. There are no application or registration fees, you do not pay fees for the use of our system, to set up an auction, or any penalty charges to withdraw your funds from our platfrom.

On Žltý melónYou only pay a fee when your investments are successful.

Our fees are charged after a loan has been successfully issued to the borrower and when a borrower successfully makes their monthly repayments. We do not charge you any hidden fees and our loan contracts are completley transparent.


Žltý melón only charges a fee upon the successful funding and repayment of a loan.

Want to know more about what Žltý melón does for you in exchange for these fees? You can read more our platofrm and services in the About us section of our website.

Price list

Fees and charges for investors

Fee for investment maintenance - Standard / CashFree
(charged on the monthly installment of a loan)
1.00% / 0.33%
(minimum 0.01 €)
Sale of an investment to another investor
(charged on the amount of the investment sold)
(minimum 0.01 €)

Fees and charges for borrowers

Loan Fees
Fee for issuing a loan - Standard Loans
(charged on the total loan amount; one-time + monthly during the duration of the loan)
AA 2,90% + 0.08 % A 3,50% + 0.15 %
B 4,10% + 0.25 % C 4,70% + 0.30 %
D 5,10% + 0.40 % D- 5,60% + 0.45 %
HR 6,10% + 0.60 %
(minimum 30,00 €)
Fee for issuing a loan - CashFree Housing and CashFree Hypo Loans
(charged on the total loan amount; one-time + monthly during the duration of the loan)
3.5% + 0.08 %
(minimum 30,00 €)
Fee for issuing a loan - CashFree Real estate
(charged on the total loan amount; one-time + monthly during the duration of the loan)
Loan < 50 001 €: 3,5 % + 0,08 %
Loan 50 001 € - 125 000 €: 3,0 % + 0,06 %
Loan 125 001 € - 175 000 €: 2,5 % + 0,05 %
Loan 175 001 € - 225 000 €: 2,0 % + 0,04 %
Loan > 225 000 €: 1,5 % + 0,03 %
(minimum 30,00 €)
Fee for issuing a loan - CashFree Parking Loans
(charged on the total loan amount; one-time + monthly during the duration of the loan)
3.5% + 0.15 %
(minimum 30,00 €)
Fee for issuing a loan - CashFree Purchase Loans details are listed in the appendix
Early repayment fee - CashFree Housing, CashFree Hypo
(of the remaining loan balance)
Early repayment fee – other loans
(of the remaining loan balance; up to 12 months before the loan maturity / more than 12 months before the loan maturity)
Fee for extraordinary repayment of the loan
(from the amount of the extraordinary installment)
1.50 %
Penalties – in cases of late repayment
Charge for late repayment
(based on the standard loan repayment amount; charged for each month that that a repayment is behind schedule)
Repayment Penalty
< 50 €: 5,00 €
50 € - 100 €: 10,00 €
100 € - 150 €: 15,00 €
150 € - 200 €: 20,00 €
200 € - 250 €: 25,00 €
250 € - 300 €: 30,00 €
300 € - 350 €: 35,00 €
350 € - 400 €: 40,00 €
400 € - 450 €: 45,00 €
> 450 €: 50,00 €
Charge for sending a payment reminder via email * 6.00 €
Charge for sending a payment reminder via SMS** 6.00 €
Charge for a telephone payment reminder 8.00 €
Charge for sending a payment reminder via post 30.00 €
Charge for sending an agreement on salary deductions to the employer 10.00 €
Charge for passing a debt to a collections agency to enforce a claim
(of the outstanding past due amount)
Administrative charge for defaulted loan 15.00 €
Charge for determination of an alternative payment schedule for the loan 15.00 €
Charge for filing a claim in a case of bankruptcy 30.00 €
Cadastral fees
Conversion of documents into electronic form for the real estate cadastre for CashFree Hypo loans 15.00 €
Conversion of documents into electronic form for the real estate cadastre for CashFree Real estate loans 50.00 €
Submission of a proposal for a deposit in the real estate cadastre electronically 50.00 €
Submission of a proposal for a deposit in the real estate cadastre 100.00 €

General charges

Withdawal of funds from a Žltý melón account
(transfer to a bank account specified by the user)
VAT is included in the price of all listed fees and charges.
Prices listed here are valid from 3.2.2025

* Does not apply to the first email reminder.
** Does not apply to the first SMS reminder.