Operation statistics of Žltý melón

Žltý melón operates successfully since 2012. Have a look at our recent performance.

Loan approved and realised

Loan approved and realised
No data to visualise

Realised loans volume on Žltý melón.

Loans by purpose

Classification of granted loans by their purpose of use (by volume).

Loans by maturity period

Classification of granted loans by maturity period (by volume).

Loans by applicant´s rating class

Classification of granted loans by applicant´s rating class (by volume).

Loans by the region of the applicant - SVK

Classification of granted loans by region of the applicant - SVK.

Collected principal and interests for investors

Collected principal and interests for investors
No data to visualise

Split of repaid installments between principal and interest.

Our Loan Portfolio

Loan amount 3 119 729 € 3 107 577 € 4 649 040 € 6 077 862 € 10 476 149 € 11 143 808 € 10 337 551 € 57 280 269 € 33 002 476 €
Interest charges 526 578 € 536 406 € 491 363 € 646 618 € 1 199 613 € 1 873 957 € 2 005 039 € 8 903 796 € 4 424 377 €
Interest rate 8,27 % 9,01 % 8,90 % 8,77 % 8,88 % 8,97 % 9,05 % 9,25 % 8,89 %
Interest rate (excluding CashFree loans) 9,38 % 9,45 % 9,45 % 9,12 % 9,08 % 9,33 % 9,50 % 9,88 % 9,14 %
Loan principal (excluding collections) 2 906 821 € 2 822 065 € 4 504 538 € 5 681 727 € 8 107 329 € 6 501 464 € 2 704 180 € 40 309 480 € 20 456 611 €
Interest and Fees (excluding collections) 482 414 € 472 918 € 452 322 € 587 881 € 850 971 € 842 592 € 310 830 € 5 336 681 € 1 649 735 €
Total (including legal collections) 3 522 349 € 3 427 807 € 5 033 536 € 6 360 736 € 8 997 956 € 7 357 950 € 3 015 735 € 46 943 664 € 22 143 005 €
Defaults and Collections
Unpaid loan principle*** 176 393 € 220 468 € 99 667 € 153 825 € 345 537 € 376 078 € 64 507 € 2 431 398 € 499 163 €
Amount collected 133 115 € 132 824 € 76 675 € 91 127 € 39 656 € 13 894 € 724 € 1 297 503 € 36 659 €
% of loan principle collected 75,47 % 60,25 % 76,93 % 59,24 % 11,48 % 3,69 % 1,12 % 53,36 % 7,34 %
Remaining unpaid principal 43 278 € 87 643 € 22 991 € 62 698 € 305 881 € 362 184 € 63 782 € 1 133 896 € 462 504 €
Actual default rate (including collections) 1,39 % 2,82 % 0,49 % 1,03 % 2,92 % 3,25 % 0,62 % 1,98 % 1,40 %

* Loan portfolio data for the past 24 months
** Not including any bonus payments made to investors (e.g. promotional CashFree bonus interest rates)
*** Amount of the loan principle that had not yet been repaid when the loan went into default.

Performance of the loan portfolio by year

Actual Net Interest rate for Investors (p.a.)

Net interest rate of investors split by rating group of the applicant at recent default and recovery rate on last 24 months portfolio.

More about this graph and its calculation you will find here

Overall Net Interest rate for Investors (p.a.)

Net interest rate of investors for the whole Žltý melón operation time, split by rating group of the applicant, at recent default and recovery rate.

More about this graph and its calculation you will find here.

Net return of our investors (p.a.)

The chart shows the Net Interest Rate of all Žltý melón investors with more than 40 and less than 500 realized investments. You will learn more about this chart and how is calculated here

The chart shows the Net Interest Rate of all Žltý melón investors with at least 500 realized investments. You will learn more about this chart and how is calculated here

Development of defaults by years (Risk Vintages)

Development of default by year when loans were granted, so-called Risk Vintages. On the bottom axis is the number of months from granting loans. Trends in particular vintage lines are easy to read.

More about this graph and its calculation you will find here.

Reports update: 01.12.2024