As the year 2021 is coming to its end, we can all take some time to relax, reset and enjoy the wonderful Christmas holidays with friends and family, and later on celebrate the New Year.
For the tenth time we would like to take a moment, look back and express gratitude to each and every one of you, for your ongoing support. We would also like to reflect on our operation in the past 12 months.
The year 2021, like the year before, was significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. At Žltý melón, we immediately approached this challenge with the utmost responsibility, and we quickly implemented several measures to limit the negative effects on our operations, risk rules and our loan portfolio. As a result, the development of the quality and profitability of the Žltý melón portfolio remained very healthy and this trend was also confirmed in 2021.
The year 2021 was a record year for us in almost all indicators. During this year we provided loans in the amount of almost 6 mil. EUR. This is an 30 % increase, compared to the year 2020, which was also a record in this regard. In total, the volume of provided loans exceeded the amount of 25 mil. EUR. Similar trend was achieved also in the growth of our revenues, what increased the profitability of our company, which is important for the long-term direction of the project and the possibility of further development of our services. We achieved all this with the lowest defaults and the highest return on the investment portfolio for our clients. You can find the development and profitability of the Žltý melón portfolio on our statistics page.
As part of the development, we have introduced several significant innovations and improvements to our system. This year, most of them were connected to the administrative part of the system, and optimization and streamlining of internal processes. These improvements are very important for further improvement of the quality of our services and preparing for the next development and growth of Žltý melón. However, we also did not forget about our clients in the area of news features and functions. In addition to several minor improvements, we have simplified the loan application process through an online authorized bank account verification under the European Union's PSD2 directive. Applicants no longer need to provide their bank account statements, but simply give their consent and the system will automatically contact with their bank in a secure form.
We are preparing several new features and improvements in the near future. Next year, we want to focus more on increasing your comfort when using our services at Žltý melón. This applies especially to the mobile application, which we want to run also for the iOS operating system, but also for our web interface. Our main goals remain a wide range of suitable loan products for borrowers, maintaining high returns of our clients' investment portfolios and the company's healthy finances.
We will not idle in the future either and we believe that after a successful year 2021, our common year 2022 will be even more successful.
Thank you once again and we wish you all the best during the holiday season and in the coming New Year 2022!
Roman Feranec and Žltý melón team